How to use the Google Cloud Free Program?

 In Business, Education

Google Cloud is a type of cloud computing that allows you to use computers from Google’s data centers, located all around the world, to get your computing tasks accomplished.  This strategy is a great cost-saver, and Google just made it better with this free trial.   

What’s Included? 

This free trial is for those who are new to Google Cloud.  Once you get started, you will get $300 is credits that you can use to begin exploring what Google Cloud has to offer.  You can create virtual machines using Compute Engine, deploy serverless applications to Cloud Run, and set up Cloud SQL database instances.  You will have 90 days to explore all the capabilities Google Cloud has to offer, and you get to keep your resources and any remaining credits if you upgrade to a paid version.  You will get notifications showing the status of your account so you can track your credit usage and see what programs you have tried out.   You can use their troubleshooter to address common things that arise or use some of your $300 credits toward higher levels of support.  There are so many options to explore! 

Once you upgrade to a paid subscription, you will have access to Google Cloud Always Free Tier products, with monthly usage limits on 16 of their most popular products.  Both new and existing members are eligible for use of this set of Google products.   You will have access to products such as:  

• App Engine 

• Big Query 

• Cloud Functions 

• Cloud Vision 

• Firestore and more! 

When you combine the free trial with the Always Free Tier, you can take your Google Cloud experience to the next level, but your usage is not deducted from your $300 credits for the Google Cloud Free Trial.   

How Do I sign up? 

All you have to do is sign up for the free trial.  Follow these easy steps:  

  • Go to 
  • Log in and accept the Terms and Conditions.   
  • Activate your free trial in the top right corner of the console. 
  • Enter some demographic and business insights and accept the terms of service.  
  • Verify your phone number 
  • Enter payment information, which will only be used if you MANUALLY upgrade to a paid version 
  • Click “Start My Free Trial” 

It’s as easy as that, and you are ready to start exploring all the great advantages cloud computing with Google has to offer!  

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